Olympiad Season now Open
Grade 11 learners write TWO online assessments per subject
Grade 12 learners submit two assessments based on 1 case study
The Accounting Department, under the Dean of Academics Mrs Mildret Ncube, and taught by Mrs Elly Jere, has announced that the Accounting season has now opened. This is following the introduction of NAMO by SAIPA (South African Institute of Professional Accountants). NAMO is the National Accounting and Mathematics Olympiad, which replaces the National Accounting Olympiad. The learners who are interested in joining should do so as registration opened on 11 March 2022. The competition is open to Grade 11 and 12 learners who have Mathematics and Accounting as subjects. Our school has previously done very well in the SAIPA Olympiad, with Grade 12 learner, Ntsako Maluleke, coming 4th place nationally in 2021.
The registration for the Proverto National High School Olympiad, for Business Studies, Accounting and Economics learners opened for registration in February and is closing on 15 April 2022 is another major Olympiad that learners are encouraged to participate in. “The Olympiads are very important for learners, particularly those who want to pursue a career in the business or commercial stream. They not only offer greater enrichment and exam preparation but the learners will forever be listed on the databases of these great organisations and be eligible for bursaries and even job opportunities,” said Ma’am Jere. Our school also excelled in this competition with Fhulufhelo Mulaudzi, Grade 11, coming in the

second position nationally in 2021.