
Creating the next Garry Kasparov
If you are a great chess enthusiast like myself you will remember the great chess master Kasparov , World Champion: 1985–93 (undisputed); 1993–2000 (classical) . He is a master at a game of wits and he became famous for this. It is for this reason that our school has taken the initiative to create the next generation of strategists and citizens with vision who can maneuver the world of business, academics, technology and society in general.
Nyukani Education Centre Chess club has been boosted by installation of big chess at the school. We want to thank the management for this great vision and support in this regard. As Nyukanites we endeavour to continuously break new ground . So as we learn how to achieve a checkmate , I would like to say to all our learners and prospective learners , embrace this beautiful game and create a lifetime of memory.
Article written by:
Stanley Mashamba